The Bachelor of Science in Biological Engineering (BE) from LSU provides an opportunity to apply the principles of analysis, synthesis, and design to physical problems and processing systems associated with plants, animals, humans, and their respective environments. Biological Engineering integrates applied biology into the fundamental principles of engineering for the purpose of designing processes and systems that influence, control, or utilize biological materials and organisms to benefit humanity. An undergraduate education in BE is excellent preparation for professional studies in various fields of engineering (including biomedical engineering), human or veterinary medicine, and dentistry. The curriculum is designed to teach students the practical skills needed for professional engineering and the understanding to adapt to new and dynamic situations. Graduates are well prepared to take the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Examination during their senior year, which is the first step toward obtaining a license to practice engineering professionally.
BE Undergraduate Curriculum
- General Education - 20%
- Biological Engineering - 20%
- Engineering Core - 14%
- Biology - 12%
- Engineering Design - 11%
- Chemistry - 9%
- Math - 9%
- Physics - 5%
![curriculum pie chart](/eng/bae/images/BEUndergradC.jpg)