LSU External Awards & Recognition Program



Supporting Faculty Excellence

The External Awards & Recognition Program provides LSU faculty and academic leadership with centralized strategic support to identify, apply for, and attain highly prestigious and prestigious external awards. In addition, the program highlights and showcases current recipients of prestigious awards, as identified by the National Research Council, to increase awareness of outstanding faculty accomplishments.

Please see below for information about new features of the program, including our External Awards and Recognition Ceremony and Stipends, application for Course Release program, and a petition to request to add a new award to the LSU Highly Prestigious and Prestigious Awards listing. Questions? Contact

New Features of the Program:

External Awards Recognition Ceremony

To be held annually in early spring, the Ceremony will honor all recipients of Highly Prestigious and Prestigious External Awards during the previous calendar year. At the ceremony, recipients will receive a commemorative award and stipend:

  • Highly Prestigious Award Recipients: $10,000 stipend

  • Prestigious Pathway Award Recipients: $5,000 stipend

  • All other Prestigious Award  Recipients: Stipend commensurate with award received

 Course Release Application

Starting in Spring 2025 we are introducing an application-based Course Release program to provide course release time for faculty who need extensive time to prepare proposals/applications for Highly Prestigious Awards.

Petition for Award Addition

We are offering an opportunity to have awards added to the Highly Prestigious and Prestigious Awards listing if it can be demonstrated that the award is highly competitive and brings international/national visibility to the University. Learn more here. 

Keep us informed of all awards nominations/selections here

Contact Us

Gabriela Gonzales NAS

Dr. Gabriela Gonzalez, Signing into National Academy of Sciences, Photo courtesy of the National Academy of Sciences


More than 200 LSU faculty have received awards and honors classified by the National Research Council as highly prestigious or prestigious.


Department of Environmental Sciences Professor Ed Laws has been named a Fellow by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Funded research projects highlight the success of LSU's Scholarship First Agenda to advance foundational and applied science to improve lives.



Why It's Important

External awards can provide much deserved acknowledgment for career achievements, contributions to a specialized field of study and innovative research projects. It can increase visibility, learning opportunists, access to resources and scholarly collaboration.



Awards increase your visibility and expand recognition for your work among colleagues and the the community. 


Learning Opportunities

Awards broaden learning opportunities through interdisciplinary collaboration, travel, residencies and fellowships.




Awards provide much needed resources, including funding, time and access to members only benefits.

hands shaking


Awards present exciting collaborative opportunities and offer faculty an expanded community of scholars.


External Awards

Highly Prestigious Awards

Highly prestigious awards, including induction into the National Academies, represent the pinnacle of recognition in academia. The National Research Council denotes the Highly Prestigious Award designation to more than 200 awards, honors, and recognitions across the arts and humanities, physical sciences and engineering, social sciences, and life sciences. In addition to bringing increased visibility and elevating opportunities for faculty recipients, these highly prestigious awards are noted by the AAU as a metric for institutional membership and are important in university rankings.


List of AWARDS


Prestigious Awards 

Prestigious awards are designated by the National Research Council and include both early career awards for research (e.g., National Science Foundation CAREER Award) as well as career achievement awards (e.g., American Academy for the Advancement of Science Fellow). These scholarly awards are classified across the arts and humanities, physical sciences and engineering, social sciences, and life sciences.

Prestigious Pathway Awards

Many of these prestigious awards are precedents or “pathways” to highly prestigious awards. In the following list, any prestigious award in which 25% of highly prestigious award winners had previously received that award is denoted with an Asterisk (*) and is considered a Pathway Award.   

List of awards